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Nell Shepherdson

I am a Yoga Alliance trained Instructor, Usui Ryoko Certified Reiki Practitioner and Tarot Reader based in Shepperton. I am a passionate storyteller, enthusiastic artist and I find peace in the natural world. 

I believe that holistic wellness and healing should be available to all. That's why I practice a range of modalities to create sessions and classes that are tailored to individuals and explore new ways to bring tranquillity and wellbeing into our busy modern lives. My vision is to make Yoga, Tarot and Reiki affordable, flexible and accessible.

Be sure to sign up to the newsletter or follow me on Facebook or Instagram for all the latest event and class dates. Keep up with the thought processes behind the ways in which I work by having a look at the Blog and if you have any questions, suggestions or comments please feel free to contact me.

Read my published articles here:

Witch Magazine Beltane Issue - Wilding Witchcraft

OMYoga Magazine - Adventures in Kids' Yoga

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Services and Classes



Mondays 6.30pm at

Serenity Yoga & Pilates Studio,

Shepperton Fitbox, Highstreet TW17 9AU.

Yin to Yang Yoga. Designed to begin in the more contemplative Yin style, with slow deep stretching progressing to the more dynamic Yang Vinyasa flow.

Tuesdays 7.00pm at

Lifestyle Fitness,

Matthew Arnold Sports Centre,

Kingston Road, Staines TW18 1PF

Vinyasa Yoga. A dynamic yet calming classes designed to build strength, flexibility and stamina week by week with meditation techniques.


Various Dates, 7pm

Saxon Primary School, Briar Road,

Shepperton TW17 0JB

Yoga & Meditation Circle. A special extended 90min class that focuses on deeper meditation and relaxation. Explore guided meditations, seasonal & lunar cycles, sound baths and gentle movement. We finish with reflection and a herbal tea.

£15 per session


22/05, 19/06, 15/07

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Insightful tarot readings using personalised spreads based on your needs to get the most from the cards. I use a combination of practical experience and intuitive psychic impressions to provide insights into both specific concerns or more general questions and timelines.


Order a reading straight to your Inbox! Ask a question or give a general description of what you would like to know and I will design a spread and send you a detailed analysis of the cards along with photographs. You will also be given the opportunity to reply and ask a follow up question included in the price. Your reading will be sent in 5 working days.



Meet me face to face and we can talk through what you would like to learn from the cards. We will design a spread together so you can get the most from the cards and I will interpret the story for you. You will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions, use more cards for clarification and consult oracle decks if need be.

£25, 1hr

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Private personalised reiki treatments focused on individual needs. I use a combination of modalities (including Tarot and Shamanic practices) to channel Reiki energy into the light-body to bring balance and raise personal vibrations.


I can perform distance healing for anyone, anywhere in the world. With a short description of needs and the name of the person to receive, I will do a very short three card Tarot spread to connect into their energy and then use a 'person shaped' proxy to channel Reiki to their energy centres. You will be sent photos of the reading and any impressions I have gained by Email once the session has been completed.


GetBeautiful, 3a Linden Way

Shepperton TW17 8BW

Come and see me in the gorgeous GetBeautiful beauty studio in Shepperton for a personalised 45min treatment. We will explore a simple Tarot card spread to help connect to your current personal energy before you are invited to lie back and relax while you receive this powerful energy.



17/05, 14/06, 19/07, 16/08

(£10 deposit required, remainder paid on day)


The Blog



Yoga, Tarot and Reiki have brought me so much joy, comfort and wellbeing. I believe that these should be available to everyone without restriction. If you feel that these services are beyond your means at the moment then please do talk to me.

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